Executive & Leadership Coaching – The Inside Out Leadership Coach Training.
This above all: to thine own self be true.
Shakespeare in his play Hamlet


Coaching is arguably the most powerful method for developing managers’ capacity for leadership. Post the great recession, Organizations need individuals who can shape and help in realizing business goals, by leveraging on their ability to influence, inspire, collaborate, manage and above all, lead. The challenge of developing such qualities is that they cannot be simply learned from a textbook or workshop. If leadership is to be truly effective, managers must be authentic. Their acts of influence must be grounded in self-awareness, hope, confidence, and creativity, and their engagement with others must not only empower and motivate but value others intrinsically, their tasks extrinsically, & organization systems & processes Systemically. The development of such qualities demands managers develop their self-understanding.

Practice makes people perfect! – Right or Wrong.
Well, we say WRONG.
It is Perfect Practice that makes People Perfect.

C4E’s Inside Out Leadership coaching is uniquely placed to draw out the individual qualities of managers, and to help them to connect their talents productively to the achievement of organizational & personal goals. Whether the goal is to strengthen interpersonal skills, to build team effectiveness, to enhance influence and impact, or to help managers to adapt quickly to a new role, it is through the reflective environment of leadership coaching that individual qualities can be most effectively nurtured. By engaging with the individual at a present level, as well as with their skills and capabilities, coaching can take on the challenge of evoking what we describe as authentic leadership.

“The most effective leadership is the result of the managers’ being able to sustain the tension between personal goals and those of the organization,and finding a conscious and creative solution that can arise out the paradox of leadership”. – Winnicott – 1971.

Given the above backdrop C4E’s Inside Out Leadership Coaching is meant for Aspiring Individuals in corporate or business set up, who aim to get the best out of people by giving their best. In other sense, it is about making the invisible visible.

C4E’s Leadership Coaching Services focuses on the following;

  • Discovering the Genius in the coaching client
  • Getting the Genius in them to act
  • Becoming the authentic self
  • Setting Leadership Standards legacy – influencing, role modeling, inspiring, collectivism, challenging, ennobling, encouraging – building the pipeline

C4E’s Inside Out Leadership wholistic coaching models are based on Valuegenic sciences, Thinking Patterns, Emotional Dimensions, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral (CAB) dimensions. The focus is on the coaching client and enabling them to bring out the whole self rather than project the quick fix self. We believe that it is essential for the leader to work at both the self & professional level for the overall development of self.


Consequently, C4E uses Dr. Robert S Hartman’s axiological tool, in combination with other behavioral & 360 degree based tools in facilitating a greater depth of understanding of self for leaders from the point of self-perception as well as other perception and the professional demands.

Program Overview

The 64 hours Inside Out Leadership Coach training program is intended for Executive and or Leadership Coaches. The Program is intended for Coaches to work with clients offering them guaranteed results – “Change for Sure, Grow for Sure, & Be in the Flow”. The program provides vital insights for leadership coaches into their client’s

  • Thinking styles & Value Rationale
  • Emotional Dimensions
  • Deeper understanding of their value orientation and its consequent impact on their behaviors and performances
  • Talents & Non-talents
  • Immunities to Change
  • Coaching for effectiveness

Who can attend this program?

  • All those who have completed Phase 1 / CCEP program or Phase 2 / CACP or Phase 3 / CMC of the Living Coaching
  • All those who have any ICF approved or accredited foundational training and coaching experience
  • All those who currently hold an ICF® ACC
  • All those who hold PCC and desirous of upgrading their coaching abilities
  • All those who are consultants / trainers / leadership observers or practitioners

Program Objective

By the end of the 64 hours coach training program the learning audience should be able to

  1. Implement a structured coaching framework for coaching clients effectiveness – both Personal & Professional
  2. Assess the coaching client’ s value structure, establish its consequent impact on self and others, besides performance
  3. Create awareness by feeding back the report in an understandable manner in relation to the client’s communication ability
  4. Partner with the client and establish a developmental path to aid in overcoming immunities to change
  5. Coach the client on the developmental path
  6. Measure effectiveness of outcomes of coaching
  7. Design Accountabilities
  8. Help the client to “Change for Sure, Grow for Sure, & Be in the Flow”
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